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Howie Garber


Photo credit: Howie Garber

Each summer Friends of Alta hosts a day of planting trees for people interested in planting a memorial tree in honor of a loved one.


We operate on a first come first serve basis and these trees will be acquired upon request. Each tree will be about 2 feet tall – due to the remote location of these plantings bigger trees are simply not feasible because all equipment is carried to/from the planting site. Participants of this program will receive photographic documentation of the planting and approximate location in case you want to visit the tree. Requests for planting location will be considered, however we may not be able to meet all requests. Since these trees are being planted at elevation levels above 8,000 feet in a national forest we cannot assure the survival of your tree, but we will take all best practice precautions to give your tree a healthy start.


Memorial Grove .jpeg

Photo of Parking Lot Sign from Alta Summer Road (Albion Basin Road)

The memorial grove is located on the Alta Summer Road. 

Approximate GPS Location:

40°35’14.2”N 111°37’00.9”W

40.587270, -111.616921


Drive up Albion Basin Road (Alta Summer Road). The Memorial Grove parking lot is approximately 0.2 Miles from 8625 Albion Basin Road. The parking lot is on the west side of the road. 



Our next planting date is: September 13, 2024. We will meet at the Albion Base Parking Lot (10520 E Day Lodge Rd, Alta, UT 84092).

Please contact with any questions you may have.

We strongly encourage you to be a part of the planting; however we recognize that not everyone will be able to participate. We may be able to secure volunteers to help plant the memorial tree for you – please let us know if you cannot attend the designated planting day. Also, if you cannot attend, please provide us with a short biography so that it can be read during the planting. We found this helpful in connecting volunteers with the honoree they were planting the memorial tree for.


We also have 100 Engelmann Spruce seedlings on hand for volunteers and memorial tree planters.

What to wear:

  • Sturdy, closed toe shoes & protective clothing

  • Water & Food if needed

  • Leather gloves if you have them


Tree Planting.JPG
  • Tree (Engelmann Spruce or Subalpine Fir)

  • Logistics: we will do all the needed organization and communications with local authorities to make sure the trees are planted in appropriate sites with the appropriate permissions.

  • Tools needed to plant such as: shovels, gloves, watering receptacles, and hopefully enthusiastic volunteers to provide some extra hands

  • Some supplemental watering after the tree has been planted

  • A photo report that documents the planting (hard copy and pdf)

  • Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates for the tree’s location

  • A listing of your tree on this page of and link to a memorial page for your loved one.


These trees are being planted on our public lands and serve a recognized benefit to the greater community so your contribution for a tree is 100% tax deductible. If you are interested in having others help with the contribution for a tree, we are able to accept a collection of donations in memory of someone as a contribution for the tree.

Tree donation is $300.00


This map demonstrates the past memorial tree plantings. 


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